A lot of people come across me because my name pops up when they are researching hyperacusis - a hearing problem where everyday noises seem excessively loud.
I suffered from hyperacusis in the mid-2000s and, when I released some of my music, the media picked up on the fact that I had experienced the condition. Despite this press coverage being some years old, I still get quite a lot of people contacting me about hyperacusis as a result of it - specifically because I was treated successfully for it.
As such I thought it would be be helpful if I put together some resources which explained my experience and treatment.
There are three new sections on the site on hyperacusis:
If you are suffering from hyperacusis (or think you might be), I hope you find these resources useful, but please note:
- I am not a medical professional
- information given on this site is not medical advice
- before acting on any of the information on this site you should discuss the matter with your GP or other qualified medical professional
- I can't take any responsibility for any problems you may experience as a result of acting on any information provided on this site.